Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Roller Coaster Continues

After some good news on Friday it appears we are back on the roller coaster. Darren's creatinine came back up again yesterday, and some more again today to 3.3. They think that one of his anti-rejection drugs is the culprit (this particular drug can actually damage the kidney if he gets too much of it, so it's monitored closely). They've backed off on this drug in the hopes that it will correct itself, but it hasn't yet.

Therefore Darren will continue to stay at the hospital and tomorrow they'll do a biopsy of the kidney to see if there are any signs of rejection. That's the only true way to tell if the kidney is okay or not.

The Serum Sickness has gotten much better. Darren is able to walk now and the pain is under control, so we're thankful to be on the upside of that issue at least.

This has all felt like such a setback, and our hearts are heavy with the news this morning. Please pray for not only the healing of Darren's body and kidney, but for his spirits too. It's been a very trying week and although the care he has received has been wonderful...hospitals can be a depressing place...particularly with the waiting. Please also keep me in your prayers, it is hard to be on the sidelines. Even though it feels like life has stopped, it continues to go on and all the stresses of the day to day weigh heavily on me when I reenter reality and realize how far behind we are on everything. I've missed a lot of work, have maxed out my paid time off and have all the millions of day to day tasks hovering over my head at the moment. I know everything will work out, God is so faithful and we are so blessed...we continue to find our strength in Him. "Nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

Thanks again to all of you for your continued love and support.


  1. Tears are flowing over here. Love is being sent your way and my heart is aching for you. Please tell me what we can do to help!!!

  2. oh, Sara! I'm so sorry I missed you on Friday night - to give you a big squishy hug! Praying for you both - can we do anything?????? Love you muchly.

  3. Lots of hugs and love to you! Would love to help in whatever way we can. Praying for God peace and strength to carry you though this time.

  4. Hang in there, kid. Remember where you were and what opportunity these challenges bring. I can only begin to imagine the stress and emotions. You're all in our thougths and prayers.
