Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kidney update: A lesson in patience

I think patience is a lot easier when you're in denial (or maybe it can't be called patience when its denial...ahh, deep). Once you realize that things can be different, that zen goes out the window and you want change NOW. I always thought I was the most patient person in the world, but as it turns out, I'm miles from that self-proclamation...(the realization is not only true for this situation, but being the mother of a 3 year old really drives that fact home!) We continue to practice (and I say "practice" because we've not got this mastered) patience as we wait for the right person, situation, kidney to come along.

No matching tests have taken place yet, but we remain hopeful. The decision to pursue donation is a big one. It's so very inconvenient, voluntary, scary, intimidating. You don't know what to really expect, how things will turn out, how you'll feel, if you'll get the support you need....honestly, the concerns are endless. I can completely and utterly understand the apprehensions, and they are all very legitimate. I've not donated a kidney (yet) so I can't even comprehend the sacrifice one would have to make to give a gift like this. But what I can speak to, first hand, is the result.

The result of Cynthia giving Darren one of her kidneys changed our lives. Even though it lasted only two short years, it gave Darren two more years of life. His spirit came back, his energy, his outlook, his hope, his inspiration, his passion...all the things that fade when you don't feel well. I also honestly think that we wouldn't have a daughter if it weren't for Cynthia's kidney. Even though we had our daughter once Darren was back on dialysis, we knew that there was hope he would get another chance, just like before. And we also learned that life can't stop for the "what ifs."

Now, please don't misunderstand my soliloquy. I am not trying to guilt anyone into anything, because honestly, the best situation for everyone is if it's the right situation for everyone. I'm just trying to be open and honest, and say the things that are on my heart...after all, this is my new shiny blog. ;)


  1. thanks for sharing your story sara. i'm keeping all of you in my thoughts.

  2. Your faith and persistence is truly amazing. We are keeping you close to our hearts as always.
